metal pot - tradução para russo
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metal pot - tradução para russo

Pot Metal; Muck metal; Monkey metal; Pot-metal
  • Normandie}}. The ''Queen Mary'' model has cracked in the bow due to [[zinc pest]].
  • Toy road roller cast from zinc.

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отливной котел

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котёл для металла, отливной котел
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медносвинцовый сплав

чугун для посудного литья


цветное стекло (окрашенное при варке)


(р. 1928), в 1976-79 глава левоэкстремистского режима т. н. "красных кхмеров" в Камбодже, осуществившего геноцид собственного народа. С 1979 в эмиграции.


Pot metal

Pot metal (or monkey metal) is an alloy of low-melting point metals that manufacturers use to make fast, inexpensive castings. The term "pot metal" came about due to the practice at automobile factories in the early 20th century of gathering up non-ferrous metal scraps from the manufacturing processes and melting them in one pot to form into cast products. Small amounts of iron often made it into the castings but never in significant quantity because too much iron would raise the melting point too high for simple casting operations.

In stained glass, "pot metal" or pot metal glass refers to glass coloured with metal oxides while it is molten (in a pot), as opposed to other methods of colouring glass in sheet form.

Exemplos de pronúncia para metal pot
1. AUDIENCE: For the metal pot technique
Baking Flavorful Bread at Home _ Josey Baker _ Talks at Google
2. just with a baking stone and a metal pot.
How to Bake Bread _ Josey Baker _ Talks at Google
3. And if you have a thin-walled metal pot-- really,
Baking Flavorful Bread at Home _ Josey Baker _ Talks at Google
4. take the metal pot off, and at that point,
Baking Flavorful Bread at Home _ Josey Baker _ Talks at Google
5. put a metal pot on top, wait 20 minutes,
Baking Flavorful Bread at Home _ Josey Baker _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para metal pot
1. For dessert they brew cocoa over a tiny flame and pass it around in a metal pot.